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Skeleton Tutorial SourceCode
#include <ACG/Math/GLMatrixT.hh>
#include <ObjectTypes/Skeleton/BaseSkin.hh>
void skeletonTutorial2() {
int objectId = -1;
emit addEmptyObject( DATA_SKELETON, objectId );
SkeletonObject* skeletonObject;
if ( !PluginFunctions::getObject(objectId, skeletonObject) ) {
emit log(LOGERR,"Unable to create new Skeleton");
Skeleton* skeleton = PluginFunctions::skeleton(skeletonObject);
//setup the topology
Skeleton::Joint* currentParent = 0;
int jointCount = 3;
for (int i=0; i < jointCount; i++){
std::string jointName = QString("Joint" + QString::number(i)).toStdString();
Skeleton::Joint* newJoint = new Skeleton::Joint(currentParent, jointName );
skeleton->addJoint(currentParent, newJoint);
currentParent = newJoint;
//set positions for the reference pose
Skeleton::Pose* refPose = skeleton->referencePose();
double xOffset = 0.0;
for (Skeleton::Iterator it = skeleton->begin(); it != skeleton->end(); ++it){
refPose->setGlobalTranslation( (*it)->id(), ACG::Vec3d(xOffset, 0.0, 0.0) );
xOffset += 1.0;
//add an animation
int frameCount = 100;
FrameAnimationT<ACG::Vec3d>* animation = new FrameAnimationT<ACG::Vec3d>(skeleton, frameCount);
AnimationHandle animHandle = skeleton->addAnimation("Rotation", animation);
//set position in every pose/frame of the animation
Skeleton::Joint* middleJoint = skeleton->joint(1);
ACG::GLMatrixd rotationMatrix;
double maxAngle = 90.0;
ACG::Vec3d axis(0.0, 0.0, 1.0);
for (int i=0; i < frameCount; i++){
Skeleton::Pose* pose = skeleton->pose(animHandle);
for (Skeleton::Iterator it = skeleton->begin(); it != skeleton->end(); ++it)
pose->setGlobalTranslation( (*it)->id(), refPose->globalTranslation( (*it)->id() ) );
rotationMatrix.rotate( maxAngle / frameCount, axis);
pose->setGlobalMatrix( middleJoint->id(), rotationMatrix, false );
pose->setGlobalTranslation(middleJoint->id(), refPose->globalTranslation( middleJoint->id() ), false );
//add a mesh
objectId = -1;
emit addEmptyObject( DATA_TRIANGLE_MESH, objectId );
TriMeshObject* meshObject;
if ( !PluginFunctions::getObject(objectId,meshObject) ) {
emit log(LOGERR,"Unable to create new Mesh");
TriMesh* mesh = PluginFunctions::triMesh(meshObject);
//add skin-weights property on the mesh
mesh->add_property(propWeights, SKIN_WEIGHTS_PROP);
int steps = 50;
for (int i=0; i < jointCount; i++)
for (int j=0; j < steps; j++){
double xPos = (j / double(steps-1));
TriMesh::VertexHandle vh1 = mesh->add_vertex( ACG::Vec3d(i + xPos, 0.1, 0.0) );
TriMesh::VertexHandle vh2 = mesh->add_vertex( ACG::Vec3d(i + xPos, -0.1, 0.0) );
mesh->property(propWeights, vh1)[ i ] = 1.0 - xPos;
mesh->property(propWeights, vh2)[ i ] = 1.0 - xPos;
if ( i != 2 ){
mesh->property(propWeights, vh1)[ i+1 ] = xPos;
mesh->property(propWeights, vh2)[ i+1 ] = xPos;
} else
RPC::callFunctionValue<bool, int, int>("skeletalanimation", "attachSkin", skeletonObject->id(), meshObject->id());
emit updatedObject(skeletonObject->id(), UPDATE_ALL);
emit updatedObject(meshObject->id(), UPDATE_ALL);