58 #include <ACG/Scenegraph/DrawModes.hh> 60 #include <QStringList> 63 #include "OpenFlipperQSettings.hh" 156 #define STRINGIFY(x) #x 157 #define TOSTRING(x) STRINGIFY(x) 169 QDir applicationDir();
197 QDir translationsDir();
209 QString applicationDirStr();
213 QString pluginDirStr();
217 QString shaderDirStr();
221 QString textureDirStr();
225 QString licenseDirStr();
229 QString scriptDirStr();
233 QString iconDirStr();
237 QString dataDirStr();
241 QIcon& OpenFlipperIcon();
245 QString translationsDirStr();
249 QString fontsDirStr();
253 QString helpDirStr();
262 void optionFiles(QStringList _list);
266 QStringList optionFiles();
270 void configDir(QDir _dir);
274 bool configDir(QString _dir);
278 QString configDirStr();
286 bool deleteIniFile();
290 void deleteIniFile(
bool _delete);
305 void finishedStartup();
309 QString currentScriptDirStr();
313 QDir currentScriptDir();
317 void currentScriptDir(QDir _dir);
321 bool currentScriptDir(QString _dir);
327 QString currentTextureDirStr();
331 QDir currentTextureDir();
335 void currentTextureDir(QDir _dir);
339 bool currentTextureDir(QString _dir);
345 QString lastDataType();
349 void lastDataType(QString _type);
375 QString dirSeparator();
397 void nogui(
bool _nogui );
409 void coreProfile(
bool _enableCoreProfile,
bool _temporary =
417 QPair<int,int> glVersion();
421 void glVersion(
const QPair<int, int>& _version,
bool _teporary =
425 void samples(
int _samples,
bool _temporary =
433 void stereo(
bool _stereo );
448 void glStereo(
bool _stereo,
bool _temporary =
false );
456 bool glStereoRequested( );
468 void anaglyphLeftEyeColorMatrix( std::vector<float> _mat );
472 std::vector<float> anaglyphLeftEyeColorMatrix( );
476 void anaglyphRightEyeColorMatrix( std::vector<float> _mat );
480 std::vector<float> anaglyphRightEyeColorMatrix( );
484 void synchronization(
bool _synchronization );
488 bool synchronization( );
504 void defaultPerspectiveProjectionMode(
bool _mode,
int _viewer );
508 bool defaultPerspectiveProjectionMode(
int _viewer );
512 void defaultViewingDirection(
int _mode,
int _viewer );
516 int defaultViewingDirection(
int _viewer );
520 void defaultLockRotation(
bool _mode,
int _viewer );
524 bool defaultLockRotation(
int _viewer );
528 void defaultViewerLayout(
int _layout );
532 int defaultViewerLayout();
536 void redrawDisabled(
bool disable );
540 bool redrawDisabled( );
544 bool drawModesInContextMenu();
548 void drawModesInContextMenu(
bool _show);
559 unsigned int examinerWidgets();
578 QString currentViewMode( );
582 void currentViewMode( QString _mode );
586 QString windowTitle( );
590 void windowTitle( QString _titel );
594 void defaultColor( QColor _color );
598 QColor defaultColor();
602 void randomDefaultColor(
bool _random);
606 bool randomDefaultColor();
627 void scripting(
bool _status );
638 bool logToConsole( );
642 void logToConsole(
bool _logToConsole );
650 void debug(
bool _debug );
661 bool backupEnabled( );
665 void enableBackup(
bool _enableBackup );
680 void blockSceneGraphUpdates( );
684 void unblockSceneGraphUpdates();
688 bool sceneGraphUpdatesBlocked( );
699 bool savingSettings( );
703 void savingSettings(
bool _savingSettings );
707 bool loadingRecentFile( );
711 void loadingRecentFile(
bool _loadingRecentFile );
730 void argc(
int* _argc );
734 void argv(
char*** _argv);
738 bool remoteControl();
742 void remoteControl(
bool _remote );
746 int remoteControlPort();
750 void remoteControlPort(
int _remotePort);
763 void doSlotDebugging(
bool _debugging );
766 bool doSlotDebugging( );
777 QString coreVersion();
781 QString compilerInfo();
788 bool initializeSettings();
792 void closeSettings();
DLLEXPORT OpenFlipperQSettings & OpenFlipperSettings()
QSettings object containing all program settings of OpenFlipper.
State of the logging widget.