Wahlpflicht Informatik (Electives for Master Computer Science)

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Applied Computer Science
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Basic Techniques in Computer Graphics, Real-Time Graphics
Prof. Dr. Kobbelt
Introduction to Virtual Reality (VR I)
Prof. Dr. Torsten Kuhlen
Physically-Based Animation
Prof. Dr. Bender
Designing Interactive Systems 1, iOS Application Development
Prof. Dr. Borchers
Introduction to High-Performance Computing
Prof. Dr. Müller, Dr. Terboven
Machine Learning, Computer Vision 2
Prof. Dr. Leibe
Software and Communication
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Prof. Dr. Nagl
The Digital Lifecycle of Vehicles as a part of the Internet of Things (IoT)
Dr. Ansgar Schleicher
Model-Based Systems Engineering
Prof. Dr. Rumpe
Regelung und Wahrnehmung in vernetzten und automatisierten Fahrzeugen (Alrifaee), Formale Methoden für Steuerungssoftware (Kowalewski)
Dr. Alrifaee, Prof. Dr. Kowalewski
Communication Systems Engineering
Dr. Dirk Thissen
Advanced Internet Technology
Prof. Dr. Wehrle
Data- and Information Management
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Introduction to Data Science
Prof. Dr. Wil van der Aalst
Semantic Web
Prof. Dr. Decker
Einführung in Webtechnologien
Prof. Dr. Schroeder
Introduction to Artificial Intelligence
Prof. Dr. Lakemeyer
Web Science
Dr. Klamma
Prof. Dr. Meyer
Text Mining, Social Data Science
Prof. Dr. Strohmaier
Automatic Speech Recognition
Prof. Dr. Schlueter
Theoretical Computer Science
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Infinite Computations and Games
Dr. Christof Löding
Complexity Theory
Prof. Dr. Martin Grohe
Analysis of Algorithms
Prof. Dr. Rossmanith
Compiler Construction
Prof. Dr. Noll
Introduction to Model Checking
Prof. Dr. Katoen
Probabilistic Programming
Prof. Dr. Katoen
Satisfiability Checking
Prof. Dr. Ábrahám
Algorithmic Graptheory, Algorithmics for Politics, Effiiziente Algorithmen
Prof. Dr. Wöginger, PD. Unger, Prof. Dr. Rossmanith