
Current Topics in Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing


SS 2012





Note: This page is for a course from a previous semester.
Find a list of current courses on the Teaching page.
Course Dates:




Kick-Off Meeting 15th Feb 2012 6317
Outline Deadline 16th Apr 2012
Outline Review 23rd - 25th Apr 2012 6317
Report Deadline 11th Jun 2012
Report Review 18th - 20th Jun 2012 6317
Slides Rehearsal 2nd - 4th Jul 2012 6317
Final Presentations 12th - 13th Jul 2012 6317
Final Reports Deadline 30th Jul 2012

Computer Graphics and Geometry Processing are highly active research fields combining aspects of several areas of practical as well as theoretical Computer Science: For example, compact data structures and efficient algorithms are required for real-time renderings and simulations. The generation of photo-realistic images and visualizations is often derived from physical processes observed in the real world. The area of Geometry Processing is founded on classical results of mathematics and physics and directly reaches into typical engineering contexts. Hence, the topics covered in this seminar are among the most inter-disciplinary research fields in Computer Science.

The conferences with the strongest impact on the graphics world are SIGGRAPH, SIGGRAPH Asia, and Eurographics. In this seminar we will discuss results presented recently at those conferences with a focus on the most interesting and innovative ideas. Participating students have the chance to get familiar with state-of-the-art solutions to problems in Computer Graphics, Geometry Processing, Modeling, and Visualization and will gain interesting insights into the involved techniques.

Final Reports

The final report compilation is now available for download.



  • Ethical Guidelines for the Authoring of Academic Work in German and English
  • Declaration of Compliance in German and English

Report Template

As noted in the introductory meeting, the use of LaTeX and our LaTeX template is mandatory. On Linux, please perform the following steps:

  • Download the archive from here: seminar_reports.tar.gz
  • Unpack the archive with "tar xzf seminar_reports.tar.gz"
  • Enter the directory: cd reports
  • Generate the file reports.pdf by running the script "doit"

The newly generated file contains a description of the template and how to use it. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask!

Furthermore, we provide two introductions to LaTeX, one in German and one in English.

Slide Template

There are slide templates available for Latex, PowerPoint, OpenOffice and Keynote. If you prefer to use your own template that is also ok. In our seminar room we have a computer with PowerPoint and OpenOffice installed, but you can bring your own laptop if you like.

Introductory Information

The slides from the introductory meeting can be downloaded here.


Familiarity with calculus and linear algebra as well as basic techniques in computer graphics is highly recommended.

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