Immersive Art: Using a CAVE-like Virtual Environment for the Presentation of Digital Works of Art

Digital works of art are often created using some kind of modeling software, like Cinema4D. Usually they are presented in a non-interactive form, like large Diasecs, and can thus only be experienced by passive viewing. To explore alternative, more captivating presentation channels, we investigate the use of a CAVE virtual reality (VR) system as an immersive and interactive presentation platform in this paper. To this end, in a collaboration with an artist, we built an interactive VR experience from one of his existing works. We provide details on our design and report on the results of a qualitative user study.
Title = {{Immersive Art: Using a CAVE-like Virtual Environment for the Presentation of Digitial Works of Art}},
Author = {Pick, Sebastian and B\"{o}nsch, Andrea and Scully, Dennis and Kuhlen, Torsten W.},
Journal = {{V}irtuelle und {E}rweiterte {R}ealit\"at, 12. {W}orkshop der {GI}-{F}achgruppe {VR}/{AR}},
Year = {2015},
Pages = {10-21},
ISSN = {978-3-8440-3868-2},
Publisher = {Shaker Verlag}