Form Finding of Stress Adapted Folding as a Lightweight Structure Under Different Load Cases

In steel construction, the use of folds is limited to longitudinal folds (e.g. trapezoidal sheets). The efficiency of creases can be increased by aligning the folding pattern to the principal stresses or to their directions. This paper presents a form-finding approach to use the material as homogeneously as possible. In addition to the purely geometric alignment according to the stress directions, it also allows the stress intensity to be taken into account during form-finding. A trajectory mesh of the principle stresses is generated on the basis of which the structure is derived. The relationships between the stress lines distance, progression and stress intensity are discussed and implemented in the approaches of form-finding. Building on this, this paper additionally deals with the question of which load case is the most effective basis for designing the crease pattern when several load cases can act simultaneously.
@article {Musto:2019:2518-6582:1,
title = "Form finding of stress adapted folding as a lightweight structure under different load cases",
journal = "Proceedings of IASS Annual Symposia",
parent_itemid = "infobike://iass/piass",
publishercode ="iass",
year = "2019",
volume = "2019",
number = "13",
publication date ="2019-10-07T00:00:00",
pages = "1-8",
itemtype = "ARTICLE",
issn = "2518-6582",
eissn = "2518-6582",
url = "",
keyword = "lightweight-construction, folding, Mixed-Integer Quadrangulation, principle stress lines",
author = "Musto, Juan and Lyon, Max and Trautz, Martin and Kobbelt, Leif",
abstract = "In steel construction, the use of folds is limited to longitudinal folds (e.g. trapezoidal sheets). The efficiency of creases can be increased by aligning the folding pattern to the principal stresses or to their directions. This paper presents a form-finding approach to use the material
as homogeneously as possible. In addition to the purely geometric alignment according to the stress directions, it also allows the stress intensity to be taken into account during form-finding. A trajectory mesh of the principle stresses is generated on the basis of which the structure is
derived. The relationships between the stress lines distance, progression and stress intensity are discussed and implemented in the approaches of form-finding. Building on this, this paper additionally deals with the question of which load case is the most effective basis for designing
the crease pattern when several load cases can act simultaneously.",