SPAG - Game Programming
SPAG is an additional, voluntary course for all students interested in creating computer games. The participating students meet once a week to develop games guided by the researchers of the Aachen Computer Graphics Group. The course was founded in 2011 and is not bound to the regular semester schedule to create a more flexible and open environment needed for the creative process of game development. Students interested in participating contact us via the contact information below.
Space Action Game
The first game developed by the group is a fast-paced arcade game. The player has to steer a spaceship, avoiding obstacles and picking up color items to charge colored lanes. The goal is to survive as long as possible and to beat the highscore.
The goals were to create a game that wouldn't require much explanations to play, creating instant fun also for people who play it for the first time. Although looking like a tiny game, the git repository contains over 2000 commits from 17 different people, with a varying core team of about 10 students. Due to only working on it once a week, the project took almost one year to finish.
You can download the installer for the Windows version here.
You can download the game for the Linux 64bit version here.
SPAG RollerCoaster
This roller-coaster simulator was developed by three students and supports the Oculus Rift head mounted display. It features a track editor which defines the track of the wagons as spline curves. This interactive demo was first presented at the gamescom in 2013.
You can download the Windows version 1.01 here and the Linux version 1.01 here. There is a video on YouTube.
gamescom 2014
gamescom 2013
gamescom 2012
The Aachen Computer Graphics Group will be present at the gamescom in cologne from 8/15/2012 to 8/19/2012 presenting the latest SPAG game but also giving an insight into current teaching and research topics. Some students from this work group will be present as well. You can meet them in hall 10.1, booth E067.
Just send us an email: Janis Born: