Developer Documentation
Todo List
Member ACG::BSplineCurveT< PointT >::projected ()
This is a hack actually. review
Member ACG::BSplineSurfaceT< PointT >::delete_vector_m (unsigned int _m)
Improve deletion routine for control points and knots!
Member ACG::BSplineSurfaceT< PointT >::delete_vector_n (unsigned int _n)
: Improve deletion routine for control points and knots!
Member ACG::QtWidgets::QtBaseViewer::flyTo (const QPoint &_pos, bool _move_back)
: Translate view such that hitpoint is in center of viewport
Member ACG::QtWidgets::QtBaseViewer::glContextMenuEvent (QContextMenuEvent *_event)

: if (funcMenu_ && funcMenu_->count()>0)

: if (pickMenu_ && pickMenu_->count()>0)

: && drawMenu_->count()>0)

: && funcMenu_->count()>0)

: && pickMenu_->count()>0)

Member ACG::QtWidgets::QtWheel::paintEvent (QPaintEvent *)
: bitBlt(this,r.left(),,pixmap_);
Member ACG::SceneGraph::ACG::SceneGraph::MeshNodeT< Mesh >::draw (GLState &_state, const DrawModes::DrawMode &_drawMode)

We can render also wireframe shaded and with vertex colors

Integrate shader here!

Integrate shader here!

Member ACG::SceneGraph::ACG::SceneGraph::MeshNodeT< Mesh >::MeshNodeT (Mesh &_mesh, BaseNode *_parent=0, std::string _name="<MeshNode>")
: Handle vbo not supported
Member ACG::SceneGraph::ACG::SceneGraph::MeshNodeT< Mesh >::set_property_map (std::map< int, std::string > *_map)
Remove all these functions afterwards!
Member ACG::SceneGraph::ACG::SceneGraph::MeshNodeT< Mesh >::setIndexPropertyName (std::string _indexPropertyName)
Remove the external texture loading and do it here.
Member ACG::SceneGraph::ACG::SceneGraph::MeshNodeT< Mesh >::update_geometry ()
check the following statements. If only geometry changed, the normals,vertices have to be updated nothing else!
Member ACG::SceneGraph::LightSource::spotDirection (Vec3d _pos)
Improve documentation
Member ACG::SceneGraph::LightSource::spotDirection () const
Improve documentation
Member ACG::SceneGraph::MeshNodeT< Mesh >::set_property_map (std::map< int, std::string > *_map)
Remove all these functions afterwards!
Member ACG::SceneGraph::MeshNodeT< Mesh >::setIndexPropertyName (std::string _indexPropertyName)
Remove the external texture loading and do it here.
Class ACG::SceneGraph::OpenMesh::IO::binary< T >
Complete documentation of members
Member ACG::SceneGraph::StripProcessorT< Mesh >::buildStripPolyMesh (typename Mesh::HalfedgeHandle _start_hh, Strip &_strip, FaceHandles &_faces)
Implement texture processing here
Member ACG::SceneGraph::StripProcessorT< Mesh >::buildStripTriMesh (typename Mesh::HalfedgeHandle _start_hh, Strip &_strip, FaceHandles &_faces)
Implement texture processing here
File config.h

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Move content to config.hh and include it to be compatible with old source.

Member Core::loadObject (DataType _type, QString _filename)
this function has to be checked. test for the plugin which can handle the given file and then use it.
Member Core::loadObject (QString _filename)
Check if this function is ok. It should check all plugins for the given files and do not depend on Triangle meshes only! Rewrite function to get the plugin only and then open the file. So iterate over all plugins and find the matching ones. open it with this plugin.
Member Core::slotEmptyObjectAdded (int _id)
: set a default path for new objects
Member Core::slotGetAllFilters (QStringList &_list)
check why the supported Type is used here!
Member Core::writeObjFile (QString _filename, bool _relativePaths, bool _targetOnly, std::map< int, QString > &_fileMapping)
After obj writing to one file is implemented in obj plugin, remove this Function and the whole File!
Member CoreWidget::addContextMenus (QMenu *_menu, ContextMenuType _type, int _id=-1)
Sort the menu entries by the order given in visibleContextMenus
Member CoreWidget::dropEvent (QDropEvent *_event)
This is deprecated as its now handled by the url code above which should be used. Normally this code is not reached at all now. Remove it soon!
Member CursorPainter::cursorToTexture ()
Possibly switch all cursors to bitmap cursors and check there Hotspots!!
Member FileOFFPlugin::readFileOptions (QString _filename, OFFImporter &_importer)

Implement extended coordinates

Implement any space dimension

Member FileOMPlugin::loadPolyMeshObject (QString _filename)
only request if needed
Member FileOMPlugin::loadTriMeshObject (QString _filename)
only request if needed
Page Iterators and Circulators
Make figures for all iterators.
Member MeshObject< MeshT >::invalidateTriangleBsp ()

: Update the tree when the update function of this object is called.

: dont recreate but update the old one.

Member MeshObjectSelectionPlugin::selectVerticesByValue (int _objectId, QString _component, bool _greater, double _value)
emit scriptinfo
Class OpenMesh::Concepts::KernelT< FinalMeshItems >
Check, if the member list is complete.
Class OpenMesh::Decimater::ModBaseT< MeshT >
"Tutorial on building a custom decimation module."
Class OpenMesh::IO::binary< T >
Complete documentation of members
Class OpenMesh::VDPM::VFront
VFront documentation
Class OpenMesh::VDPM::VHierarchyNode
Complete documentation
Class OpenMesh::VDPM::VHierarchyWindow
VHierarchyWindow documentation
Class OpenMesh::VDPM::ViewingParameters
ViewerParameters documentation
Class OpenVolumeMesh::IO::FileManager
Implement binary file support
Member ScriptingPlugin::pluginsInitialized ()
register objectid variable
Member TopologyPlugin::add_face (QMouseEvent *_event)

: Support adding faces between objects ( and merging them into one )

: Support adding faces between objects ( and merging them into one )

Page View Dependent Progressive Meshes
Complete VDPM documentation.